Took Willon to town today and decided to look for a new book I want at Borders since we were already next door getting groceries. Willon had his cute on today, you know, just one of those days.
We'd walked through two sets of double doors when he stopped short at the mud mat that reads in big red letters, BORDERS. He's looking at it upside down and yells out, "B! O!" then says very sweetly, "What's a letter is, Momma?" pointing to the the R. I said, "R." and he shouts, "R!... D!... what's a letter
is?" "That's an E." "E!... R!..." and about this time people are coming in and out around him chuckling and pretty amazed. He pointed to the S and said, "Ssss.. snake. C! Snake!" and one woman passing through the door said, "That's how it starts." with a big grin. I was just beaming. Learning how to read at the bookstore that he called "library!"
Cuter yet, he picked out a book from the bargain table that we'll wrap up for his birthday, a set of three actually - about trucks, and when I asked him to carry it to the counter for me he said, "Okay." then picked up my bag, slung it over his shoulder with a grunt (or three), tucked the book up to his chest and trucked on over to the check-out counter (wishing I had my camera about this time). I told him to give it to Christopher and he looked around and asked, "Where's he
is?" I pointed him out right across the counter and Willon handed the book up to him with a "there ya go" and a "thank you" when we were finished.
Leaving the store a man opened the door for us and stepped aside. I told Willon to go on and when he passed through the door, carrying my bag for me with his book inside, he looked up the man without breaking stride and said, "Thank you." The man about fell over from so much cute. I literally saw his jaw drop.
Everyone in Borders got a new cavity today.